Diagnosis of macronutrient malnutrition (wasting, stunting, underweight). The relationship between diet and obesity, measurement, factors influencing body weight, social and genetic aspects, functional consequences, desirable body weight, problems of overweight and obesity and treatment of obesity. Cardiovascular diseases: role of diet and risk factors, epidemiological evidence. Nutrition and hyperlipidemia. Nutrition and diabetes. Micronutrients and trace elements: deficiencies and symptoms. Nutrition and immunity: Introduction to immunology and innate immunity. Cells of immune system (cell mediated and antibody mediated immune responses). Dietary regulation of the immune response, metabolic links between nutrition and resistance to infection or degenerative diseases. Interaction between infection and nutrition, particularly diarrhoeal diseases, gut parasites and HIV/AIDS. Applied Dietetics: Purposes of diet therapy. Differences in patient needs related to cultural and economy background. Nutritional assessment, nutritional screening, diet history and food preferences and nutritional counseling and education. Modification of the normal diet for various energy needs, textures, nutrients and feeding methods. Calculation of energy and nutrient content of diabetic diets. Disease states and types of diets prescribed for each. Diet in heart and kidney disease, cancer, gastro intestine disturbances, hypertension, food and drug interactions. Ethics in dietetic practice
- Instructor: Esther Marijani
- Instructor: Mercy Mmari
- Dean of the Faculty: Joel Mihale
- DVC. AC: Deus Ngaruko (PhD-Economics)
- Head of Department: Happy Magoha
- Vice Chancelor: Elifas Bisanda