Activity 2.1 - Designing a Storyboard

Designing a Storyboard

Designing a Storyboard

by Alexander Ndibalema -
Number of replies: 1

I have designed a storyboard as per instructions. I have just concentrated on only two weeks as my learning/instructing duration time. My storyboard is attached here-under.

In reply to Alexander Ndibalema

Re: Designing a Storyboard

by Katherine Fulgence -

Your storyboard was an eye opener on my part. Though I managed to develop one (as per the link I provided in this forum), still I have not yet managed to create an image and save it in the word format as you did. Your guidance on this will be appreciated.

Again and in relation to the assignment, I noted that under the activity part, you did not reflect the purpose of the activity. I noted that we were to reflect this in our storyboards.