Study Material: Academic Integrity in a Digital Age
Completion requirements
Course Code: ODF001
Course Name: Academic Digital Fluency
Module Number: 4
Module Name: Academic Integrity in the Digital Age
Module Developers: Cosman Mnyanyi and Fatma Ubwa
TOPIC 3: Promoting Academic Integrity
Research Misconduct or Professional Ethics
Violations in this category include both violations of the code of ethics specific to a particular profession and violations of more generally applicable ethical requirements for the acquisition, analysis, and reporting of research data and the preparation and submission of scholarly work for publication. Some examples are:
- Violating a canon of the ethical or professional code of the profession for which a student is preparing.
- Using unethical or improper means of acquiring, analyzing, or reporting data on a thesis project, a grant-funded research, or research submitted for publication.
- Misuse of grant or institutional funds.
- Violating professional ethics in performing one’s duties as a staff.