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This course has been prepared to meet the needs of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) students who are studying B.Sc. in ICT, taking Introduction to data communication and Networking (OIT 117) as their course. The aim of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of computer network, to familiarise you with different interconnection devices and data communication media, to introduce to you the basic concepts of communication protocol and standards, to introduce to you the concept of communication models. The main objective of the course is to deal with fundamental issues in computer networking.
- Instructor: Juliana Kamaghe
- Dean of the Faculty: Joel Mihale
- DVC. AC: Deus Ngaruko (PhD-Economics)
- Head of Department: Rogers Bhalalusesa
- Coordinator.: Mathias Ombeni
- Vice Chancelor: Elifas Bisanda
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