Study Material - Storage and Access of Digital Resources
Completion requirements
Study materials for Module 5 developed by Godfrey Haonga and Shadrack M. Mbogela.
4.3 Challenges of digital Library
There are some disadvantages or concerns that need attention and consideration when creating a virtual library.
1. Restricted by copyright law.
- works cannot be shared over different periods of time like a traditional library
- content is public domain or self-generated
- if copyright exists, permission should be requested
2. Requires connectivity.
- instability of Internet sites requires regular checks should be carried out to ensure that web links are still active
- if there is not Internet connection, the VL is inaccessible
- many people do not have Internet access - the Digital Divide may apply
- may have access to the Internet but lack skill to utilize the available information
3. Skilled professionals are required.
- to organize, maintain and help students
- guide students in their selection, evaluation and use of electronic choices
- need the knowledge of Boolean searching and advanced searching skills
4. Increased number of resources challenges student selection.
- purchase of online materials is not tailored for a particular community of learners
- increased need for instruction in use and evaluation of resources
- students face difficulty in selecting quality material from the increased assortment of resources
5. Reading on paper can be most efficient than reading on screen