Study Material - Storage and Access of Digital Resources
Completion requirements
Study materials for Module 5 developed by Godfrey Haonga and Shadrack M. Mbogela.
1.5 Challenges
Many new technologies have always come with advantages. Like any other technology, it doesn’t come and accepted smoothly however advantageous it may come up with everything comes with challenges. Digital resources are not an exception on this. The following are the challenges many are likely to encounter during accessing the digital resources.
- Compatibility issues - Some resources will require your device to be installed with software which will enable you to view and access the contents. However, in most cases you will be notified on what type of software you will need to access the digital resources.
- The digital resources can be expensive to access (in term of bandwidth and subscriptions fee to some of the resources)
- It requires that someone must be literate in computers or device which is used to store and retrieve information
- Presence of digital resources has created a digital divide