This course is for those who wish to understand and influence decisions about the strategic deployment of labour and human capital. It is not purely for specialists in human resource management. It will be of interest to senior teams who make decisions about: design of organisational forms; direct employment or outsourcing of activities, investment in human capital development; employee engagement; organisational culture; work systems design etc. Crucially, it is for those who seek to play a part in shaping the overall strategy of the organisation and the decisions that flow from it in terms of human capability
- Instructor: Dr. Chacha Matoka
- Dean of the Faculty: Dr.Joseph Magali
- DVC. AC: Deus Ngaruko (PhD-Economics)
- Head of Department: Dr. France Shayo
- Associate Dean: Dr. Gwahula Raphael
- Coordinator.: Michael Mwacha
- Coordinator.: Alex Seni
- Vice Chancelor: Elifas Bisanda